Plan Your Staff Training Based on Your Needs

Staff development is critical to growing our district teachers, administrators, district support staff, and campus culture. Has your district or campus viewed our Training Section? We have interactive, engaging workshops that can be provided during staff or PLC meetings. TxSP provides all the required training sessions and other sessions that may be helpful to your staff. This section continues to grow.  Additionally, we can create other documentation for training sessions by completing this form.

Remember, onboarding sessions are free anytime. Our staff will also provide in-person or virtual training at a discounted rate for our subscribing districts. If you are interested, check out this page.


Onboarding Sessions Across Texas

As TxSP is providing face-to-face or virtual onboarding sessions to our subscribing districts, see the feedback that we are getting from district and campus leadership teams, counselors, nurses, HR, and support staff:

“This is a game changer!”

“I had no idea all these resources were in here.”

“I’m going back to campus and start using this now.”

“We will use this to train all of our campus administrators in discipline.”

“We are moving to our counselors spending at least 80% of their time on counseling duties this school year. I love the tracker, and we will definitely use the counseling section to build our district counseling program.”

“What an amazing product. I wish I knew about this years ago.”

“This will make my job much easier as a first-year superintendent.”